Thursday, November 10, 2011

"The Ekko Returns"

Hello avid readers let recap whats been going on in our world. First the recession has put record number of individuals on the Unemployment line with many about to exhaust the maximum 99 week limit up. So its about to get real crazy out here.

Second you have Mr. Herman Cain an African-American Pizza Mogul who wants to be the next President. The only problem is that he is for more taxes and believes that if you are broke and unemployed that its your own fault. Blaming the individuals who got laid off is not a good way to get votes. And finally he has sexual harassment allegations to deal with so I think he is pretty much done.

Here come the good news. There is a 23 year old Puerto Rican Rapper named "Ekko" who has been featured in XXL and voted the best up and coming rapper. A good friend of mine had told me about the rapper but I had not heard any material from him except for a free style. It was hot. But his new single about going back to his city in Reading Pa. is fire.

Ekko is definitely headed for greatness and I really think he can bring the East back. He has a good head on his shoulders and been through some things. Definitely check Ekko out on YouTube. This Latin going platinum is definitely going to happen if he stays focused. If the video is any indication of his talent then Ekko has a bright future ahead of him.

Finally I would like to say thanks for the heads up on your boy Ekko. Nice street team work in P.A.. C.L..  I predict your boy is gonna be large.

One Life, One Love, One World...