Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The State Of Black America 2012"

Here we are ladies and gentleman. The year is 2012, we have an African American President, and over one million people out of work. George W.  left us with a pant load of problems to deal with before he was voted out of office. He departed and left many with economic problems that a part time job just won't solve.

Recently, while having a conversation with a good friend I was told that the majority of individuals with jobs are living from pay check to pay check. And there is no end to the long tunnel in sight. Traditionally African Americans suffer two times as much as their white counter parts when the country is in a recession.

The recession has not spared anyone because it has College students graduating and moving in with their parents without jobs, experience or a viable future.

The only thing I can think of right now is to remind everyone that the economy goes through phases and will correct itself, hopefully, sooner than later. The second thing is to pray that we can all make it through bruised but not beat up beyond healing. Good night and God bless.

One life, One World, One Love.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Post Office To Cut Thirty Thousand Jobs"

The world is becoming what was referred to in the Superman Comic as Bizzaro World. A world turned upside down where good is bad and bad is good. I really don't won't to get into to much detail but the US Postal Service which was created in1792 and Benjamin Franklin was it's first Post Master General.

So lets time travel forward to 2011 where the USPS now employs about 574,000 employees and has over 218,000 vehicles in it fleet. The USPS has simply grown to large to be profitable and  has deciced to, cut workers, cut Postal centers, and service. Thats correct there will be no more deliveries on Saturdays. But I believe that  the USPS is worth saving. I actually remember the corny slogan about the mail always having to get through the elements. Neither rain, nor hail, or snow shall stop the mail from getting through.

I usually don't like to speak about Political issues but once again I must. The USPS has been and is an American Institution that has been around since the Founding of  the USA. A large majority of people blame the state of the USPS on  more mail being delivered using E-mail and etc. I disagree I blame the USPS management who have really done nothing to upgrade so it could compete with Internet mail. The USPS responsibility of being profitable has doomed the Agency.

I believe a bail out is in order Mr. President. While growing up I could always remember hearing that "the Post Office was always hiring. Can we allow the USPS to be sent back in time or do we as Americans stand up and say no. I say no because The Social Security Administration will probably be next.

One Love, One Nation, One World.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"The Ekko Returns"

Hello avid readers let recap whats been going on in our world. First the recession has put record number of individuals on the Unemployment line with many about to exhaust the maximum 99 week limit up. So its about to get real crazy out here.

Second you have Mr. Herman Cain an African-American Pizza Mogul who wants to be the next President. The only problem is that he is for more taxes and believes that if you are broke and unemployed that its your own fault. Blaming the individuals who got laid off is not a good way to get votes. And finally he has sexual harassment allegations to deal with so I think he is pretty much done.

Here come the good news. There is a 23 year old Puerto Rican Rapper named "Ekko" who has been featured in XXL and voted the best up and coming rapper. A good friend of mine had told me about the rapper but I had not heard any material from him except for a free style. It was hot. But his new single about going back to his city in Reading Pa. is fire.

Ekko is definitely headed for greatness and I really think he can bring the East back. He has a good head on his shoulders and been through some things. Definitely check Ekko out on YouTube. This Latin going platinum is definitely going to happen if he stays focused. If the video is any indication of his talent then Ekko has a bright future ahead of him.

Finally I would like to say thanks for the heads up on your boy Ekko. Nice street team work in P.A.. C.L..  I predict your boy is gonna be large.

One Life, One Love, One World...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Internet Tablets: The Future Is Now"

I remember like it was only yesterday watching Captain Kirk being given a duty roster to sign. But It wasn't on paper it was a computer tablet he was signing. It was the sixties so most people really thought such devices were pure fantasy.

So, yesterday I went and purchased the Coby kryos Mid 7022 4g. The tablet was about $200 with tax. I opened it up and read the instructions. It was pretty easy to operate once I charged it. I had read a review which said the screen was a problem but it did not find this to be the case. It a 7" screen but its perfect size for me.

The one thing that really surprised me was that the tablet was so fast. The A8 Samsung Cortex processor made surfing he web effortless. The tablet also comes with the Android market.

The Android market comes pre-installed on the Coby tablet as well as a great number of other application that are free.

In my opinion the computer tablet will someday take over and their will be no need for a laptop. If you don't get one for yourself I recommend getting one for the kids.

One Life, One Love,One World.                                 

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Bootleg Video Makes Its Way To Internet TV"....

It's late and I'm watching one of the many free movie channels on my Internet blog site and what do I see. Some one going to their seat during the movie. You know that black shadow figure that shows up for a few seconds  and then sits down out of camera view.

I know its free so I really have no right to complain but if your going to put a bootleg on an Internet movie channel then locate the best copy you can.

Now some of you who have been living under a rock may not know that there is an Internet movie and TV player located on the bottom of this site. Most of the movies are new and good quality, so check it out. Or like I tell most of my friends I already saw it. But, you can go pay $80 to take the family to see it.

As for me cable TV is a thing of the past because I get all my news and entertainment from the Internet. My bill went up to $150 and I folded. Game over. And if I want to watch local shows I have a digital antenna required for television reception these days. Cost me about $10 a small investment to be entertained.

And believe it or not today's open air programming is in HD. Usually a station will have more than one channel. My favorite is Ion Television which has a lot of CSI type shows and movies on the weekends. So I say leave cable alone and go back to regular television or just come to my site and learn where to locate even more entertainment.

Its probably a given that the Internet cost money unless you piggy back on a wireless router in the area of your computer. But its better to pay $30 to $40 for Internet access than $150 for cable per month.

One Love, One Life, One World.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Matisyahu,"Jewish Reggae Singer"

     Well readers its true there is a music called Jewish Reggae. There is a group that sings soulful and meaningful songs set to Reggae beats. Now they have been around for a while and I began listening to them when I was walking past a Jewish school for girls. Because as you know Jewish girls and boys do not go to school together.

     This is the story. I was walking past the school and I heard the girls listing to Reggae music. I stopped and said what are you listening to and they said, Jewish Reggae. I said really, and they turned it up.Then I asked what was the name of the group and they said Matisyahu. I absorbed the lesson and moved on.        

     Now years later I remember this group Matisyahu and searched for them on YouTube. I came up with the first song I ever heard from them "King Without A Crown". And then "One day" which is a uptempo soulful song which was well written, sung and produced.

     In a world that stands divided most of the time I believe the Matisyahu served to bring us all a little closer together. And finally to really blow your mind Matisyahu is an Hasidic Jew. Thats right reader he is a member of the Hasidim the Orthodox Jewish Sect.

     True creativity always rises to top in my opinion. I find myself riding down the street with Matisyahu's song "One day" blasting from my cell phones mp3 player.

     Until next time readers.

One Life, One Love, One World.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"The Urban Teen Dress Code"

Well my loyal readers summer is almost upon us and the usual tight dresses, mini skirts, and tube tops will soon be upon us. It has always been known women have more of a  selection when  it comes to fashion.  But as for men all we have are a few basic colors.

The well dressed Urban teen wears a fresh white T, jeans and usually a brand new pair of Air Force I's. And if its cold out side a hoody can be worn.

The problem that I've seen in recent years is that the price of the clothing has gone up considerably. Unless you shop at Forman Mills the prices are steep.

So for those of you out their who don't have a few hundred dollars for clothing and don't clock dollars. You can still be cool with not much cash.

As I said before you can go to Forman Mills, Marshalls,Or even a Flea market in your area. Sometimes you can find good bargains at flea markets.

The summer will be here soon so it better to start buying now and build up a number of outfits which means putting together hats, T's, jeans , and the foot wear of your choice. And if your into button down shirts you can always throw them in the mix.

And remember you don't always have to fit in you can wear what you think is comfortable.

Have a good summer and you have just been wooed.

One life, One Love, One World.