Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The State Of Black America 2012"

Here we are ladies and gentleman. The year is 2012, we have an African American President, and over one million people out of work. George W.  left us with a pant load of problems to deal with before he was voted out of office. He departed and left many with economic problems that a part time job just won't solve.

Recently, while having a conversation with a good friend I was told that the majority of individuals with jobs are living from pay check to pay check. And there is no end to the long tunnel in sight. Traditionally African Americans suffer two times as much as their white counter parts when the country is in a recession.

The recession has not spared anyone because it has College students graduating and moving in with their parents without jobs, experience or a viable future.

The only thing I can think of right now is to remind everyone that the economy goes through phases and will correct itself, hopefully, sooner than later. The second thing is to pray that we can all make it through bruised but not beat up beyond healing. Good night and God bless.

One life, One World, One Love.

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